— The Artist
Elizabeth began attending Atelier Caíto Campos, in Baraqueçaba, at the north coast of São Paulo, Brazil (@escultorcaitocampos). She developed painting techniques at Atelier Rumo do Sol with the artist Desirée Pereira, in São Paulo. From 2016 to 2019 she took ceramic sculpture classes with the excellent sculptor Ollo Feenstra in Middelburg, Zeeland, the Netherlands. In 2019 she took a bronze sculpture course with the creative plastic artist Corina Euwes, from the atelier Artbronze (@artbronze), in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.
She currently attends the Atelier Anna Wilma, by the fantastic ceramist Elizethe Potie, in São Paulo (@elizepotye), the Atelier Blauwezon, by Maura Regyna (http://atelierblauwezon.nl) and the Atelier Terra Nova, by the exceptional master of the wheel Mr. Bert Kloppers, being these two last ones in Rotterdam. She is an active member of the Sou Ceramica community. She has participated in national and international congresses and has taken several on-site and online courses and workshops related to ceramic modeling and painting techniques.